About this course

Useful Links:

  • Lecture Notes: When taking the same class, I will take notes on the points that I think is not obvious.
  • Assignment Reference: you can find solution to your assignment. (All bugfix & suggention & question are welcome)
  • Class Syllabus: Make sure you have read this.


  1. Microsoft C++ Refernce
  2. Cpp-Reference
  3. The Cherno: some video can make sure you can get familiar with C++ as quick as possible.
  4. More C++: Cpp 100 – __gkxx – 上海科技大学


  1. RTFSC
  2. STFW
  3. RTFM
  4. 提问的智慧
  5. 别像弱智一样提问
  6. 学术诚信(什么事情能做, 什么不能)

Ref: ICS2022I


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