An Introduction to Physics-based Animation
SIG21-An Introduction to Physics-based Animation
A simple start: Particle Dynamics
Passive Particle in Velocity Field
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问题:给定速度场\(v(x, t)\),求运动
常微分方程 -- 只有 \(t\)。且是一阶 ODE。用有限差分法求。具体从解析到离散的推导为:
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Particle with mass
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最简单的,我们可以直接用差分代替微分,实现Symplectic Euler方法。(以及显式欧拉)
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p6 - Particle structure would typically store, at a minimum: mass, position, velocity, and a force accumulator.
Question: use field (SoA + ECS)
Mass Spring System
System = Particle + Constraint
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Mathematical Models
Continuum Mechanics: Assume the underlying materials are continuous.
Physics Law
- 牛顿力学 -- 第一定律、第二定律
- 分析力学(变分原理等)
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p8 - Newton’s Laws of Motion.
1, 2, 3 定律
- sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p8 - a body remains at rest or moves with a constant velocity unless acted upon by a force
- sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p8 - Newton’s famous second law, 𝐟 = 𝑚𝐚,
- sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p9 - Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Specifically, in an interaction between two particles or bodies, if body A applies force 𝐟 to body B, then body B applies force −𝐟 to body A.
质量守恒、动量守恒、能量守恒 sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p10 - Conservation of Mass, Momentum, Energy
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sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p11 - Conservation laws for continua. :对于连续介质,有质量守恒给出了如下公式
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p12 - Rigid Bodies
6DoF 模型
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一个刚体只有6dof,分为Object Space 和 World Space
- 质心位置\(\mathbf x(t)\)
- 三维旋转\(\mathbf r(t)\)
- 质心计算:质量加权的平均位置sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p12 - sig19 Intro to PBA optimized-P12-20230128175004
计算刚体上的点的世界坐标: sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p13 - sig19 Intro to PBA optimized-P13-20230129095515
线速度、角速度sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p13 - Linear and Angular Velocity
线速度:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p13 - 𝐱(𝑡), is referred as the rigid body linear velocity
Euler 旋转定理:任意旋转是沿某轴进行的。
\(\omega(t)\) 称为角速度。
动量(Linear Momentum):sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p14 - Linear Momentum.
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角动量(Angular Momentum):sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p15 - Angular Momentum.
其中的\(I(t)\)通过下式计算:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p16 - sig19 Intro to PBA optimized-P16-20230129112855
Force and Torque
其中\(\tau = r \times f\)
Summary: sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p16 - sig19 Intro to PBA optimized-P16-20230129113036
Soft Bodies
Central: deformation gradient
- \(d\) 是位移(指形变函数)
- \(K\)表示弹性力(内部)→ 刚度矩阵
- \(D\)表示衰减力
- \(M\)是质量矩阵。
形变梯度的引入:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p17 - Deformation Gradient
\(u\) 是 Rest-Space,\(x\) 是 World-Space,最简单的情况是
\(A\) 是任意矩阵。如果是更复杂的情况,可以局部线性化为上面的形式。
即:\(\Psi\) (形变函数)局部线性近似 -> \(F = \partial x / \partial u\) -> SVD, RS, ... (Strain Measuring)
直觉上 SVD(\(F = U \Sigma V^T\)):
- \(V^T\):Rest->Aligned
- \(\Sigma\):拉伸收缩
- \(U\):Aligned->World
避免 Global Rotation后:RS 分解。
Dimension-less Quantity: measures the amount of deformation.
Strain represents the displacement between particles in the body relative to a reference length.
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p18 - Strain. From the deformation gradient we define a strain metric. Strain is a dimension-less (or unit-less) quantity that measures the amount of deformation.
例如:Mass-Spring: \(l / l_0\)
- Green's Finite Strain, -> Right Cauchy-Green Strain
- Cauchy infinitesimal strain,
- co-rotated strain.
E.g. Right Cauchy-Green Strain:
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Cauchy infinitesimal strain: 如果 \(D^TD\)项可以忽略。
如果用Einstein Notation:
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主要好处在于,该strain是线性的,导出的形变能量是二次的,具有常数的Hessian。sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p19 - The primary advantage of this strain metric is that it is linear, which leads to a quadratic energy and a constant Hessian that can be pre-factored or otherwise analyzed
缺点在于,这个strain受到world-space rotation的影响。sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p19 - Unfortunately, this strain metric does penalize world-space rotations, leading to a variety of unpleasant artifacts under large deformations.
在图形学中最常用的是 co-rotated strain metric:
- 在式子中显式地丢掉了无关的旋转,\(F=Q\tilde{F}\)(极分解)
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p19 - Stress. Unlike strain, stress is not a dimension-less quantity. In three dimensions, stress has units of Newton’s per meter squared (𝑁 /𝑚2). Instead of measuring the amount of deformation, it measures the materials reaction to that deformation.
其中 \(C\) 是一个3x3x3x3的张量,但是!考虑到:
- \(\sigma, \epsilon\) 对称
- Iso-tropic (各向同性)
只有两个参数,Lame Coefficients:
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p19 - the stress is some constant times the strain plus a scaled identity matrix times the trace of the strain. The second term approximately preserves volume.
势能密度:(Einstein Notation)
- 其中 \(n\) 是单位法向。
\(F\) 始终让总势能减少。
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Stress Revisit
Definition of Stress: Maps normal to force
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p20 - The definition of traction makes clear that stress maps from normals to forces (per unit area).
问题在于定义的空间是 世界/物体?
- 如果是世界坐标系下的法向和Stress 计算得到对应 Cauchy Stress -- \(\sigma\)
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p20 - If both normals and forces are in world space, the stress is known as a Cauchy stress and often written as 𝝈 * 物体坐标系的法向到物体坐标系的力 - 对应PK stress - \(S\)
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p20 - If the stress maps normals in material space to forces in material space it is known as a second Piola-Kirchhoff stress and sometimes written as 𝐒. * 物体坐标系的法向到世界坐标系的力 - 对应PK1 stress - P
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p20 - A first Piola-Kirchhoff stress maps normals in material space to forces in world space and is written 𝐏
如果是material space->material space, -- PK2 -- \(S\)
常用的是 PK1: Material Space Normal -> World Space Force
好处在于,PK1 给出的是从参考到世界坐标的映射。
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sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p20 - Plasticity. Plasticity refers to permanent deformation that typically occurs when a material fails
流体sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p21 - Fluids
- \(u\) 为速度场 - 欧拉视角
- \(u_t\) 为加速度场 - 欧拉视角
- \(p\) 为压强 - 欧拉视角
- \(\mu\) 描述粘性
- \(f\) 为外力
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p21 - Material derivative
拉格朗日视角下的量 \(u\),材料导数(拉格朗日视角的)定义为
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p22 - Forces
- 压强 -- 用于抵消压缩
- 在某些情况下,也被称为不可压缩流体的 Lagrange Multiplier -> Divergence-Free Constraint
- 粘性力 -- Penalizes Velocity Differences
- 外力 \(f\)
Apply Product Rule,Spartial Derivative term gives:
Spatial Discretization
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p24 - SPATIAL DISCRETIZATION
- Lagrange or Eulerian
- Spatial data Structures.
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p24 - Lagrangian vs Eulerian
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sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p24 - Grids, Meshes, Particles
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p24 - Perhaps the most common spatial data structure is the regular grid. In this structure all edges have the same length, called the grid spacing, which is often denoted ℎ or Δ𝑥.
Describe a Grid: sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p24 - The grid can be described by a few redundant parameters: the grid spacing, the grid resolution (i.e. the number of cells in each dimension), and the upper and lower extent of the gird.
对于记录一阶微分量,常用MAC-Grid(流速度场)sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p25 - A special case, known as the staggered grid (sometimes less-usefully referred to as the MAC grid](SIG21-An Introduction to Physics-based Animation/sig19 Intro to PBA optimized-20221205101915-1a7vn7h.pdf);[sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p25 - This structure is commonly used in fluid simulation to achieve second-order accuracy when using finite differences at small additional computational cost.
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p25 - “Meshes” itself is an ill-defined term, but typically the term is used to refer to simplicial complexes.
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p26 - Given the difficulty of generating tetrahedral meshes, some choose to represent geometry as a set of particles
缺点:Integration is Difficult
Hybrid Structures
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逼近函数:例如傅立叶变换后的傅立叶系数,实际上是一种到某一组基函数的投影。sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p29 - Approximating functions.
Finite Differences
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sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p31 - When choosing a finite difference scheme, order of accuracy is only one of several considerations. Other considerations include the overall stability of the scheme, the nature of the errors produced by the scheme (e.g., dissipative or dispersive), and the conservation properties of the scheme.
解决方法为:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p31 - Upwind discretizations are often preferred for advection. T
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p32 - Laplacian operator.
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Finite Elements
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p34 - Arbitrary functions in the equations we wish to solve are then projected onto this piecewise linear space. This projection is often referred to as a Galerkin projection.
Soft bodies
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p34 - Finite elements are commonly used in graphics for animating elastic bodies
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Trapzoidal / Mid point method
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2. Verlet Method 3. Symplectic Euler
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Implicit Integration
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p39 - Sometimes we wish to solve stiff problems. “Stiff problem” is not particularly well defined, but they occur, for example, when materials have very strong resistance to deformation.
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Bilateral / Unilateral constraints
Soft or Hard?
- Hard - 严格满足
- Soft - “几乎”满足
- 惩罚力
- 拉格朗日乘子
- 广义坐标法
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p43 - Penalty methods.
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p43 - Penalty methods attempt to enforce constraints by penalizing constraint violation using spring-like restoring forces.
- 给整个系统引入了Stiff Force,需要隐式积分来确保不发生数值爆炸
- 难以稳定在一个稳态上。
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p43 - Nevertheless, penalty methods are still widely used, and researchers continue to develop approaches to mitigate their drawbacks
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p43 - Lagrange multipliers.
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p43 - The method of Lagrange multipliers is an approach that explicitly includes in the equations of motion the constraint forces necessary to maintain the constraints.
虚功原理:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p44 - sig19 Intro to PBA optimized-P44-20230131111140
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广义坐标法sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p45 - Generalized coordinates.
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sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p48 - Practical Constrained Rigid Body Systems
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sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p50 - Collision detection. Before collisions can be resolved, they must first be detected by checking for interpenetration of object geometry.
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p50 - Polygonal geometry is commonly used to represent both rigid and deformable bodies. Many algorithms have been developed for finding intersections of polytopes, particularly convex polytopes (illustrated above).
SAT:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p50 - Separating Axis Theorem
Convex Decomposition:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p50 - Convex decompositions 2. SDF:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - signed distance field. 3. 数据结构上:BVsig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - bounding volumes、[sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - hierarchical bounding volumes]、Spatial Partition[sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - spatial partitions 4. DCD:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - discrete collision detection];CCD:[sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - Continuous collision detection] ([sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - Ray casting]、[sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p51 - numerical solvers) 2. Response:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p52 - Collision response
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p53 - Deformable object collisions
- sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p53 - Rigid body collisions. :不允许形变:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p53 - Typically, collision laws are used to relate quantities before and after the collision [Chatterjee and Ruina 1998].
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p54 - Frictional collisions.:切向力
sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p54 - Coulomb friction model
摩擦锥:sig19 Intro to PBA optimized.pdf - p54 - sig19 Intro to PBA optimized-P54-20230131112746